

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Inshula's Preyhunter
Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feats Required: Simple, Monk, Rogue, or Wizard
Base Item: Heavy Crossbow
Weight: 8 pound(s)
Resource Name: nx2_hxbow_inshula
Installation: Storm of Zehir
Special Properties
Enhancement Bonus [+ 1]
Damage Bonus: Piercing [1d8]
Damage Vulnerability: Bludgeoning [10% Damage Weakness]
Use Limitation: Class: Ranger
Use Limitation: Racial Type: Human
Inshula's favorite crossbow - though slow, its attacks punch through hide and armor alike with devastating power.